"There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money either." ~
Robert Graves

Sunday, February 16, 2014

PSSC Fall Competition Winners

The Poetry Society of South Carolina announced the following on their Facebook Page.  I add my congrats to each winner and thanks to the PSSC for sponsoring these opportunities for poets:

 Thanks to all who entered the fall 2013 PSSC contests, and special thanks to our three capable, esteemed judges: Paulette Beete, Josh Bell, and Sean Heuston. Congrats to all winners and runners-up. Because of icy weather, the deadline for the spring contests has been extended until February 19th. We hope you'll enter! Sending our best, Barbara and Katrina (Barbara G.S. Hagerty and Katrina Murphy, PSSC Contest Co-chairs)

The Dubose and Dorothy Heyward Society Prize
Winner: Ellen Hyatt
Judge: Paulette Beete

The John Edward Johnson Prize
Winner: Michael H. Lythgoe
"Lenten Sonnet (II)"
Judge: Sean Heuston

Lyric Poem Prize
William Winslow, Winner
"Last Night at Home (letter from Vietnam)"
Judge: Paulette Beete

The Jane Moran Prize
Winner: Brian Slusher
"The Means of Production"
Judge: Paulette Beete

The Marjorie E. Peale Memorial Prize
Winner: Debra A. Daniel
"Photography Class--Lessons in Black and White"
Judge: Sean Heuston

The Pegasus Prize
Winner: Libby Bernardin
"How the Painter Giovanni Signorini Renders Celebration
as the People Gather on the Ponte alla Carraia in Florence"
Honorable Mention: Aly Goodwin
Judge: Josh Bell

The Nancy Walton Pringle Memorial Prize
Winner: Debra A. Daniel
"Violin Played as Titanic Sank Sells for 1.7 Million"
Judge: Sean Heuston

The Constance E. Pultz Prize
Winner: Laurel Blossom
"Jason Is Risen"
HM: Aly Goodwin
Judge: Josh Bell

The Kinloch Rivers Memorial Prize
Winner: Tim Harkins
"Choosing Totems"
HM: Ethan Fugate
Judge: Josh Bell

The Archibald Rutledge Prize
Winner: Susan Finch Stevens
Judge: Sean Heuston


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