"There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money either." ~
Robert Graves

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Here's one of two poems I wrote for a competition that involved interpreting an interesting black and white photograph:  An autumn scene, trees nearly bare;  the centerpiece was a swimming pool with leaves floating on water's surface; the pool is encircled by empty white chaise lounges.  

We were sun-happy at Solstice
as the parade of Summer days
began, days hotter than dog’s
breath begging
deliverance of night. 
We soothed our passion
in the cooling water here.

Like Dervishes we spun
ourselves into Summer,
spinning out into the world,
spinning until mirages
of foreverness appeared
before our thirsty eyes.

But the Equinox brought reason,
sobering us for the season
of reflection, has us looking
at reality
through a sharper lens.

The trees have shrugged off
their leaves, stripping us
of our own green foolishness,
leading us to solid ground,
planting our feet firmly in it.

Autumn rules now,
leading us toward
the dark caves
of Winter
where we will fold
into the warm blanket
of our softer selves
and delve into mysteries
beyond summer’s reach.

And one day we will answer
the robin’s songful appeal
for our return to a world
where sap is rising
and green shoots
We will inhale
the fragrance
of possibility,
the gifts
of a new season.

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